My pleasure, and thank you. I would rather be rich in experience than money! Tell your wife that Mr. Creampie says "throw off the shackles and enjoy the pure pleasure of experience."
Hey thanks for the reply my wife has been close to doing this but it always seems to fall through. I just want to eat pussy and have my cock ridden. Im truly happy to see you get this regularly I too would like it regularly. Still I guess its like being rich. Those of us who arent can be jealous or happy for those of us who are blessed and are. Im truly happy for you my friend.....
Mr. Creampie here....... it's great to see that people absolutely get it! It was one of my favourite things to see watching porn in my younger days, and always wanted to do it. Knowing that the girls are kissing, even though you can't see it, is one of the hottest things imaginable!
The best thing about the creampies threesomes is it is what we all want. One on the cock and one on the face. Ive asked my wife for this for literally decades alas its not in the cards for me its nice to see some guys do get it though... wish it was me